Exercise Rehabilitation

Exercise Rehabilitation is an individually prescribed exercise program based on specific needs and goals.

We have three types of group exercise classes that we provide at Murwillumbah Physiotherapy.

  1. Clinical Exercise Classes – Our clinical exercise classes are run out of our clinic gym and have a maximum of 6 people per class. These classes are run by one of our experienced physiotherapists and are 60minutes in duration. These clinical exercise classes are designed to strengthen all parts of your body, with exercises tailored to your level of individual ability. Our clinical exercise classes have a strong focus on building whole body strength. Our Physio’s also include exercises targeting; mobility, balance and stretching into your sessions. This class also includes some Pilates based exercises and includes the use of a reformer.
  1. Hydrotherapy Classes – Hydrotherapy is a specific program of exercises or mobilising techniques performed in a heated pool. The water provides a low-gravity, relaxing environment in which to exercise. Exercises that would be too painful to perform on land are easily achieved in the water. Our physiotherapists are in the water with you to provide instruction on the appropriate exercises for your condition and will provide you with a personalised laminated exercise sheet that will aid you to progress through your rehabilitation to independent sessions as soon as possible. For more information on hydrotherapy please see our ‘hydrotherapy’ section on our website (Hydrotherapy).
  1. Clinical Pilates Classes – Clinical Pilates is the application of carefully selected exercises for people with specific injuries. Research has proven that clinical Pilates is effective in the management of low back pain and prevention of recurrence. Through the addition of real-time ultrasound and pressure biofeedback we ensure optimal gains whilst minimizing the likelihood of injury aggravation. Please see our clinical Pilates section on our website for more information (Pilates)

Please contact us for more information or to book in with one of our exercise classes.